
Sunday, March 16, 2008

Paws on Snow!


I recently took a trip to Showlow, Arizona for work. Since it was just a quick overnight trip, I took Chase along. On the way home, we pulled over just north of Payson, to give Chase his first experience with snow. Now, I knew Golden's love the water, but I wasn't sure he'd know what to make of the snow. The verdict...he loved it! In the few minutes that we were there, he dug holes, hopped, and rolled to his heart's delight. I didn't have a camera along to catch the excitement, but at the last minute, I took a few shots with my cell phone. (Excuse the poor quality photography.) Nice and muddy, he hopped into the backseat, and panted happily the next hour and half back to Phoenix. Spoiled. Dog.
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Anonymous said...

I always wondered, don't their paws get cold?

Aubrey Jones said...


I saw that you’d dropped by my blog. I hope you’ll visit again.

I got to visit the ‘country’ over the weekend so I’ll be adding a new adventure later today.

I'd certainly appreciate a link from your blog. We goldens have to stick together. By the way, I just added you to my links! Hope it brings some new friends your way.


Max the Golden Retriever

My Golden Retriever Gifts